PhD Oral Defense
Kristin Westdal “Environmental and Biological Factors Affecting Beluga Movement and Distribution in Hudson Bay” Join Zoom meeting
Department Seminar
Dr. Neeloffer Mookherjee, Rady Health Sciences Equity Diversity and Inclusion Lecture Join ZOOM meeting
Hanna Memorial Lecture
Dr. Michael Purugganan, New York University “The Geographic Dispersal of Crops”
Biological Science Graduate Student Association – Crackerjack seminar
Biological Science Graduate Student Association – Crackerjack seminar
MSc defense
Caleb Northam “Convergent reductions in predicted hemoglobin buffering capacity in lineages of small, high-metabolic rate birds and mammals: A novel adaptation to aid O2 delivery.” Join Zoom meeting
Department Seminar
Dr. Russell Wyeth, St. Francis Xavier “Slugs and snails slowly searching something scrumptious: Neuroethology of gastropod navigation behaviour” W230 Duff Roblin Building of join with Zoom