Research and Teaching Interests
Dr. Jafari Jozani’s research program revolves around data-centric approaches for developing fundamental theories, new methodologies and computational tools to solve problems of relevance in a variety of application domains. This includes research contributions involving life sciences, medical research, statistical learning with high dimensional data and its applications to sustainable energy, electrical engineering, robotics for dentistry, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation; small area estimation with measurement errors as well as inference based on complex sampling designs involving rank information with applications in bone mineral density analysis, breast cancer, biological science, environmental and ecological research. The common thread among these applications is the development of new methodologies and the careful use of computational and statistical methods in understanding complex data.
He has collaborated with scientists, doctors, clinicians and researches from research institutes, health community centers, hospitals and as well as private sectors across Canada and Globe. These include collaborative works with Project neuroArm (University of Calgary), St. Boniface Hospital (Winnipeg), Manitoba Bone Density Program (Winnipeg), Manitoba Hydro (Winnipeg), Ministry of Agriculture (Iran), etc. He is one of the steering committee members of the Manitoba Statistical and Health Sciences (MB-SAHS) collaborating centre which is one of the newly designated Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Health Sciences Collaborating Centres across Canada. His other activities include serving as an associate director of CANSSI and a member of the Student Research Presentation Award committee at SSC.