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Indigenous Science Fireside Chat – Dr. Henry Lickers “Science & Traditional Knowledge, Land to Lake & Seven Generation”

ABSTRACT There were hundreds of nations and cultures in North and South America before contact, each with their own language and understandings. In order to cross this continent, a person needed a way to communicate with the people in each area. Translators were key to a successful crossing but they needed a universal system that...

Hanna Memorial Lecture Series 2021/22 – The Geographic Dispersal of Crops

Dr. Purugganan of New York University will be presenting the Hanna Memorial Lecture on April 1 at noon on zoom. His research focuses on plant evolutionary genomics and he will be talking about “The geographic dispersal of crops”. The Hanna Memorial Lecture commemorates Dr. William Fielding Hanna. Dr. Hanna not only received the first doctorate...