Maude Lizaire
Maude Lizaire is a Ph.D candidate at Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, a Vanier scholar, and a former co-organizer of the WIPC 2019. Her research lies at the intersection of machine learning, formal languages, and tensor network methods. Before her journey in AI began, Maude completed a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics at Université de Montréal. She then pursued experimental physics for her master’s degree, focusing on high temperature superconductors, at the Institut quantique of Université de Sherbrooke. After a brief period working in the startup world, Maude participated in the AI4Good Lab,a bootcamp designed to introduce women across Canada with a STEM background to the field of AI. The inclusive and multidisciplinary nature of this experience inspired her to return to academia for her doctoral studies in computer science where she continues to advocate for underrepresented groups in STEM as a member of Mila’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee.