Kim Venn
Kim Venn is a Professor in Physics & Astronomy at the University of Victoria. She is an international leader in the study of stars and galaxies, including the development of new instrumentation and research tools at astronomical observatories. Her scientific interests include the structure and evolution of dwarf galaxies and observational constraints on the nucleosynthesis of the elements. She held a Canada Research Chair at UVic (2005-2015), the Clare Boothe Luce Professorship at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN (1995-2005) and was recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (2000). She is the Director of the UVic Astronomy Research Centre, the PI for an NSERC CREATE training program on New Technologies for Canadian Observatories (2017-2023), and currently is Board Chair for the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA). Venn has been a prolific researcher, supervisor, and collaborator, with over 300 publications in the astronomical literature.